Have things gotten confusing for you? With the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak occurring, are you having trouble deciding whether to cancel or postpone your air travel plans? Doug and I faced that decision last week and while we ultimately did decide to go, we did so with serious consideration and a plan to reduce our risk of exposure as much as possible.
All of it had me aware of things I’ve never thought of previously which made me realize how much safer Remington Flats is during a crisis than 90% of other lodging choices.
Here are the facts about how we can keep you safe:
There are no mandatory shared indoor spaces at Remington Flats. We have no hallways, no lobby, no shared bedrooms, bathrooms or kitchens. Literally, you are totally self-contained.
Because we have wall a/c units and electric heat in each room, Remington Flats has no duct-work or shared ventilation. In fact, the only ventilation is by the door leading directly to your private patio or balcony and of course, windows.
As Owners, we clean the rooms ourselves. You never have to worry that a surface hasn’t been cleaned thoroughly, bed linens haven’t been changed out, and that proper sterilization hasn’t occurred. This is true without exception.
During this health scare we’re using disinfectants such as bleach and alcohol based cleaners. We normally use 100% natural products in our studios we’ve switched until the threat has passed.
Each studio has it’s own fully equipped kitchen, you can prepare your own meals.
Finally, we’ll be evaluating our cancellation policies as the situation develops and working with each guest to arrive at a fair outcome. We do recommend booking using the flexible rate plan and to encourage you to do so, have matched the flexible rate plan to our best non-refundable.
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General Info on Travel: Should You Stay or Should You Go Now?
The first thing you should do is check the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel website. The CDC website should have up-to-date information on COVID-19 risk by country. Look for your listed destination on the interactive world map on the CDC website that offers the latest warnings and precautions.
How to stay safe while traveling
For people who are planning to travel, all of the same basic hygiene recommendations apply. The WHO advise:
cleaning hands on a regular basis
keeping at least 1 meter’s distance from people who are coughing or sneezing
following COVID-19-specific travel advisories from local authorities
The CDC provide extensive, frequently updated information.
Ultimately you have to decide whether the risk is worth the trip but unless you are in the high-risk category of people with already compromised immune system or the elderly compromised, we respectfully suggest you take the trip.
This article from Medical News Today is the best resource we’ve found for general information and tips for travelling.